Counselling, Acupuncture, Hypnotherapy in Preston
Acupuncture, Acupressure, Reiki, Ear Candling, Massage, Injury Rehabilitation, Back Prakt, Yoga, Tai Chi, Boxercise, Pilates, Hypnotherapy.
Acupuncture, Herbal Medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in Lancaster
We can provide different treatments from medical acupuncture to acupression, cupping; from herbal infusion to different teas, etc. It is A Natural Way to Heal the problems. Chinese Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine treatments have been proven for ov...
Acupuncture, Natural Fertility Therapy, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in St Helens
Our clinic is a well established Acupuncture&Chinese Medical clinic in St Helens Since 2008. Previous location: 27 Baldwin Street, St Helens New & Permanent location: 10 Vincent Street , St Helens, WA10 1LF . (Aside of Theatre Royal & Wesley Ho...
Hypnotherapy, Aromatherapy, Swedish Relaxation Massage in Liverpool
I have been coaching in Liverpool since 1986. I am also a fully qualified Hypnotherapist in Liverpool. I hold a Master Diploma in Hypnotherapy and NLP. I also offer Personal Fitness Training within the Liverpool Area. If you are looking for a hypnoth...